Summer update

Wow, it’s already July! Sorry for the lack of posts. Even though it’s summer, things have been crazy busy since I’ve been working full time in a biology research lab. I love it but I’m just exhausted when I get home. Not much has happened knitting-wise this past month but here’s an update on what I’ve been working on:
1. I finished the song of the sea scarf and blocked it with the much-needed help of my cat, Diane. I still haven’t worn it since the heat index yesterday was over 100 degrees F but I will if we get a cooler day.


2. I also started a pair of Jaywalker socks using some Cascade Heritage silks yarn that I’ve had laying around for about a year. Honestly, I kind of hate knitting socks. They take forever because of how small the yarn is and then once you finish one, you have to turn around and do the same thing all over again. Needless to say, it’s taking me a while to knit them up. I’m trying to motivate myself with thoughts of wearing them but so far that hasn’t helped much.

I really want to start working on another sweater, but right now I’m trying to finish some old projects and use up some of the yarn that I already have. I see many hats and pairs of socks in my future…

What’s your favorite stash-busting project? And do you have any tricks for staying motivated when knitting socks?


  1. greta

    The scarf came out great! I do toe-up, 2 at a time with the socks, magic loop. They look like socks right away and I can try them on – also, when I’m done — I’m done! Get’s rid of the second sock syndrome.

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